Product Manager
Nov-Dec 2018
Product Design
What is TriPal ?
What is TriPal ?
Travelling is good. But what if you are responsible for planning the trip? Places, air tickets, weather, accommodations, food, budget…A lot has to be considered to ensure a perfect journey. However, none of the existing web service take all these into account.
That’s not the worst. You suddenly realized that you can neither remember the name of restaurant recommended by a friend, nor figure out the less well-known site you brushed on the Instagram.
You just get lost when you are immersed into all of these stuff.
Now you can plan your trip without digging into the chaos. Because of TriPal.
During my last trip to Thailand, I envisioned how the travel experience would be improved with the development of artificial intelligence in the future.
In this video you will know what does TriPal look like and how it works. 😊
Select dates
Select activities
Automatic connected into a flow
Intelligent suggestions
Sweet reminders
Easy payment